The Galileo Galilei Residence Hall is one of the benchmarks in terms of colleges in the city of Valencia. Located at the Polytechnic University of Valencia and on the Tarongers Campus of the University of Valencia, it is one of the first and longest-lived student residences in the city, with extensive experience that has allowed it to improve, year after year, the attention and experience of its guests.
The last step has been the design and development of its new website, which we have carried out in Nectar, an indispensable tool to publicize its services and facilities and make online reservations for its rooms.

The new Galileo Galilei website was created based on two main objectives: on the one hand, to communicate efficiently and attractively the experience that Galileo Galilei offers as a university residence through the web; and on the other, to improve the online reservation system and the user experience to carry out a simpler and more efficient process.
To improve the Galileo Galilei reservation process, we have simplified and optimized this system with a design geared towards turning each visit into a completed reservation.
In the redesign of the new website, the user experience (UX) of the two profiles (User Personas) that usually resort to the network to search for a university residence in Valencia has been studied and taken care of in detail: mothers, fathers and their own students.

The information architecture has been improved, simplifying content and optimizing its hierarchy. A new website has been designed with greater visual cleanliness, for a better understanding of content, as well as a simpler and more intuitive navigation. Thus, the complete and detailed exposition of all the relevant information facilitates decision-making by family members, while the fresh and dynamic aesthetics help to attract the attention of the youngest.
In fact, the different sections of the Galileo Galilei website and the navigation between them have been taken care of to the maximum, knowing how they are related to each other and the way in which the user passes naturally from one to another.
In this sense, the facilities of the student residence, the activities and all the details of life on campus are detailed, as well as the characteristics of the rooms, the sports and leisure options and the quality of the culinary proposals. In this way, web design generates a simple and understandable story, which is informative and attractive at the same time.

With the digital design of Galileo Galilei, the usability of the web has been enhanced and it has been achieved that a greater volume of users who begin the reservation process complete it.
In fact, digital design has managed to turn the reservation process into a few simple steps that allow the user to know at all times what phase they are in and what additional data they are going to request in the following.
In turn, the work carried out for this college in Valencia has included organic positioning and online marketing tasks that improve the digital presence of Galileo Galilei.