How can emerging artists of contemporary visual art in Spain be discovered with a single click? That is the premise of Oral Memories, the website of the Ministry of Culture that we have created as a window to the trajectory, to the work and the most powerful artistic universe in our country.
A project promoted and promoted by the General Sub-Directorate for the Promotion of Fine Arts of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports that, from the Ministry of Culture and Sports, trusted us to generate a digital platform for the promotion of emerging contemporary art in Spain. With a sober, simple and clean design on a black background, this video interview website is the voice and image of the artists themselves.
The objective is to generate a platform that gives voice to the story and the history of each of these Spanish artists from video interviews that allow discovering the ins and outs of their creative process, helping to spread the currents, concepts and methods of contemporary artists of the present and the future.
Eulalia Valldosera, Manuel Vilariño, David Bestué, Carles Congost, Daniel García Andújar and José Manuel Ballester are just some of the emerging artists who share their experience in Oral Memories, a website of the Ministry of Culture that Nectar has conceived as a visual and dynamic tool.
A digital design work with a vocation for public service, training and communication linked to art and culture, which has been a direct commission from the Ministry to our studio.
Oral Memories is an online platform that works like a database and a portal for the promotion of artists whose career is consolidating on the national scene and who now have a new way to give know his vision and his art.