Andrea, the App to combat bullying is launched in Valencia

Andrea, the App to combat bullying is launched in Valencia

Our Andrea App project, is already a reality in several secondary education centers of the Valencian community, in which this tool has been implemented and is being pioneered.

Andrea is an App that helps to improve coexistence and prevent bullying, and is now available for all public, private and public schools in Valencia. The project was developed by Nectar Estudio with the support of the Valencia City Council, through aid to social innovation projects.

Andrea, the App to combat bullying is launched in Valencia

Andrea App provides educational centers with an anonymous and secure communication channel so that students can anonymously communicate alerts related to coexistence, bullying and cyberbullying, which will be managed by the center’s teaching staff.

The first centers that have implemented this tool in a pioneering way are the IES Músic Martin i Soler of Mislata and the IES Ricardo Marín Ibáñez of Cheste.

Andrea, the App to combat bullying is launched in Valencia
Andrea, the App to combat bullying is launched in Valencia

The presentation of the App was carried out by Raúl Ortiz, partner of Nectar and director of the Andrea project, together with the teaching staff of both centers, and it consisted in some talks where the students have been sensitized with this problem and I was able to explain and test the different functionalities of the App.

Through several case studies and examples, they have been encouraged to make responsible use of the tool, in order to improve school coexistence in their centers.

Andrea, the App to combat bullying is launched in Valencia
Andrea, the App to combat bullying is launched in Valencia

Si quieres conocer y obtener más información sobre Andrea, la App para combatir el acoso escolar y el bullying puedes visitar nuestra página web y solicitarla para tu centro educativo:

Andrea App ya se encuentra disponible y se puede descargar gratuitamente en Google Play y Apple Store.

If you want to know and get more information about Andrea, the App to combat bullying you can visit our website and request it for your school:

Andrea App is now available and can be downloaded for free on Google Play and Apple Store.

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