On Thursday June 18, we have a new appointment in Pixels, Talks & Beers #02 with a great guest, Carlos Magro, creative director of Interbrand.
The talk will focus on branding in the digital age and will be held in ESAT (Aulario Miguel Silva – C / Pintor Lopez, 12, 46003 Valencia) at 19:00h. Seating is limited, so to attend must inscribe here: https://www.eventbrite.es/e/entradas-pixel-charlas-beers-02-carlos-magro-interbrand-17149889782
Nectar manages and coordinates this initiative through PixelAttack.org, betting on learning and enjoyment, and close a different way, so that students and Valencia creative approach to new realities and push them to continue to grow as a professional and people.
About the speaker: Currently Carlos Magro Martínez-Illescas operates as Creative Director in international brand consultancy Interbrand. For more than eight years ago, Carlos leads projects design and management of branding for large national and international corporate clients and consumer environment. Previously and for 8 years, Carlos worked as Art Director in global advertising agencies like Leo Burnett and Euro RSCG.
Throughout his career, Carlos has worked for more than 60 leading customers of national and international scene more than 14 different sectors. Carlos promotes and disseminates the branding as a lecturer, professor of universities and business schools in the field of design, fashion and marketing, and working as a writer in specialized media.